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Celebrity family
The daughter of champion of ping-pong Olympic Games loves play chess
Wang Tao of champion of ping-pong Olympic Games is mixed before wife Guan Hua is dozen of ping-pong one's previous experience, but their daughter Wang Ga wells balanced to the ping-pong however a bit disinclination. Their...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:0 Comments:0  
Life has a salt only
Emperor of famous entrepreneur, Zhongshan China lights a Huang Qijun of Inc. general manager to had put forward to have in industry know the theory of a salt that the name spends very high, huang Qijun thinks: The reso...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
Make child drain undesirable more mood
Children and adult often have mood change euqally, such as anger, grief, disappointed, fear to wait. The mental health that maintains the child must make the child measurable drain. Drain is heart of Shu San, confide is me...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:0 Comments:0  
Promotive child, boast is used than giving a canal
Sino-US and comparative   Chinese mom: Ms. Yang, the daughter is peaceful, 4 years old   I discover recently, no matter what Ning Ning does to want award. Write, picture picture, oneself brush oneself tee...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:1 Comments:0  
Dissolve darling psychology scar with safe feeling
The injury of darling body perhaps can recover from an illness very quickly, but in the heart painful need proper help. Parental health, reasonably the manner of incident of look upon scar, it is the optimal drug that...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:6 Comments:0  
Parental manner affects child disposition
Ignore cold heat up darling easy angst to become practice suddenly Professor Zhang Zhigang expresses, father of infant period mother cradles the child's means can affect the child grown the following human mode. A few y...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:0 Comments:0  
Self-confident life begins from the child
A lot of example prove, some cheeper become more and more self-abased, a main reason is parents spend upland requirement child with the condition of perfect creed, the child may be surrounded to be in criticism and even the oc...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:3 Comments:0  
Award - penalty: Train good deed of the child
The doggie can calculate arithmetical, parrot to learn to cycle. The spectacular performance that these circuses star is to use " award - penalty " method " aggrandizement " those who come out: Accomplished the behavior of the...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:1 Comments:0